Meet our Counselor - Alycia Boullion
Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Boullion
Alycia Boullion School Counselor
Moss Bluff Elementary 215 School St. Lake Charles, LA 70611 337.217.4640 x 1648
· I am truly excited to have the opportunity to begin my 4th year at Moss Bluff Elementary as the Pre-k through 2nd grade School Counselor. I am looking forward to working with students and dedicated to helping students with academic, social/emotional, and career development. My passion is to see each student reach their full potential. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting and Management. I also have a Master of Education degree in School Counseling.
· This school year, I will be working with students individually, preparing classroom guidance lessons, working with small groups, providing referrals for out-of-school services when necessary, and assisting with RTI and school assessments. My goal is to help create a positive atmosphere where all students can learn and be empowered to be the best that they can be. One of my objectives is to build a rapport with students so that they feel comfortable approaching me for help or guidance. I will do my best to make myself visible in the classrooms and around the school so that students are familiar with me and my job as a School Counselor. Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns about your child. My office hours are 8:00 to 2:30 M-F. I am looking forward to working with parents, students, teachers and faculty!
School Counseling Mission Statement
The mission of the MBE school counseling program is to support and assist the school community by providing a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes the academic, career and emotional/social development of all students. Respectful of individual differences, this program assists and supports students in developing a positive self-image and acquire skills to become successful life-long learners, responsible citizens, and problem solvers. We strive to collaborate with parents, students, school staff, teachers and community to ensure equity, access and success for all students.
I believe:
All students are important.
All students are valuable.
All students are unique.
All students have their own set of gifts/talents.
All students deserve respect.
All students can learn.